Friday, 8 May 2015

What Difference Does It Make?

Absence due to illness in the family - not me. All ok now.

Right. General election is over and Labour didn't win nor get enough votes to govern under the blackmail they would have suffered via the SNP.

Nigel Farage has resigned as UKIP leader but may throw his hat in the ring later to be re-elected leader. I hope he does as, frankly, in many ways, he IS UKIP.

What UKIP need, to build on their extraordinary 12.6% of the national vote, is a charismatic leader and, up to now, Farage is it.

Any other UKIP member who desires being their leader needs to up their game and fast.

Do you realise that the SNP have 56 seats with 4.7% of the national vote? If our voting system actually catered for the views of the people then how many seats should UKIP have with 12.6%?

Just asking.....

Love or loathe Farage and UKIP they received nearly 4 million votes. If our electoral system isn't given a overhaul soon then 4 million UKIP voters are ignored as are over a million Green voters.

That can't be right or fair can it?

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