Britain is in the throws of a general election. I will rephrase. Britain is desperately trying not to have a national nervous breakdown wondering which of the mad bastards are going to be governing us for the next five years.
It could be the Conservatives - unlikely without some support from another party a la the current coalition.
It could be Labour - even more unlikely without the support of the Scottish National Party.
It will be though, either / or and most likely a coalition government again.
Now, if it is the Conservatives they will be looking to form some sort of coalition or, at least, deal with either the Liberal Democrats as they have done for the last 5 years or with UKIP if UKIP do as well as expected - and that's a BIG if.
A coalition with the Lib-Dems would work as it clearly has worked for 5 years. Surprisingly successfully considering.
A coalition or deal with UKIP would certainly work and, possibly, be the most preferable outcome.
Either of the above would be fine for England and the rest of Britain would have to live with it.
If we end up with Labour and the Scottish Nationalists running the show then, frankly, we should take to the streets and riot and throw molotov cocktails and all those things that rioters are apt to do.
Because the Scottish Nationalists are specific to Scotland and not relevant to England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
It would be a completely undemocratic government and, of necessity, would need to be overthrown by those who believe in democracy.
As always I would be at the forefront of encouraging people, should we end up with Labour and the Scottish Nationalists, to riot, throw molotov cocktails, burn effigies of Ed Milliband, Alex Salmond and that bird named after a fish - Sturgeon is it? - and, basically, do anything and everything to overthrow the government if that was the government we ended up with.
I would also be loudly encouraging this behaviour from Spain or somewhere - A) Because the thought of living in a Britain governed by left wing Scottish loonies is more than I could cope with and B) I would find it much better to watch the molotov cocktails fly about on TV from my hacienda in Spain holding a cold beer.
I'm not entirely daft you know....
Apropos of nothing related to this post : Standing by a litter bin today smoking a cigarette I was accosted by a Muslim gentleman who said the smoke was bothering his wife who was sitting on a bench.
I pointed out that I was outside and far from any building so was quite entitled to smoke there.
He said "I want you to move"
I replied "You bloody move and whilst you're about it keep moving until you get to Dover and don't stop then either mate. Keep going until you arrive in some country where anyone could care less what you think"
I was born to be a diplomat you know.
Hey 4D/ Norm ... I sure as Hell understand some of the resentment, I have been reading/viewing too much on what it is like these dayz in England and London, much different than the dayz I was there in the latter 1980's (and what a great town it was back then!). I felt this was going to happen globally because of this new austerity spreading across US and western Europe, the corporatization of government's etc, etc ... I been writing about this stuff now for 6 years or so and many other's. I also see the domestic Muslim problem of today you are having, especially with these Sharia types that are insulting people born and raised i London just walking down the street after thye may have a few drinx at the local pub, or how women dress in public, I actually have video of it on my website ... as well as former EDL member Tommy Robinson video on my website explaining his experiences. My dad's familia migrated from over there, you can probably tell by my name, I am TH Pickering the 4th, kind of a common name in England, like Smith or Jones over here. Anywayz guy ... was just stopping by, hope all is at least fairly well for ya.