Monday, 23 March 2015

Britain's Left Are Really A Disgrace

Nigel Farage is, of course, the leader of UKIP. Britain's left consider UKIP a right wing racist political party. They have every right to hold that opinion if they wish.

They have every right to protest peacefully against UKIP if they so wish.

I disagree with them wholeheartedly but I will defend their right to think as they do and speak as they do.

It's called 'freedom of speech'.

Britain's left however, seem to hold 'freedom of speech' in contempt unless the speech in question is in line with their views.

A group of left wingers ambushed Farage in a village pub whence he had gone to enjoy a Sunday lunch with his family.

That is the true face of the British left.

They claim to hate fascism yet are clearly the most fascist group in the country.


  1. It is fascinating that by what "they" define as a political spectrum we are poles apart whilst on most general points of moral principle I agree with you. There are jerks on both sides of the spectrum and there are good ideas on both sides too. I suspect what humanity finds hard to comprehend is that life and politics requires the good bits from both ends.

    1. Tell me oh Toxic one....where you born a genius? ;-)

  2. I don't agree with UKIP. I believe the UK is better off part of a bigger EU community - I don't disagree that needs change to move from the heavy overbearing beaurocracy of Brussels. But I just think if I was the CEO of a large Japanese, Chinese of USA company and thought "Where will I invest and create jobs in Europe?" If we ain't in the EU we will suffer. Also many of the large investors into the UK - look at the recent TSB take over are from EU countries... I mean nearly all frieght trains on UK railways are hauled by the German State Railways... again therefore I feel we should stay in and work on change not run away.
    Secondly I disagree with him on immigration - that is what has meant the UK has a growing economy - if we built all the houses we need now instantly it is on a few percent of land it isn't that bad. And look at the figures - they generally are much better value than us who have lived here so long. So I think this is scaremongering and I also don't get why I'm supposed to have some god given right to bar access to this land? We all came from the African rift valley anyway so we're all immigrants at some point in our history.
    However... what happened to him and his family isn't pleasant and I was angry about it. Tackle people on the hustings not like that you lose your argument instantly.
