Young Muslim girls have gone from Britain to Syria in some perverse way of supporting Islamic State - the most barbarous group of lunatics since the Japanese of WWII or the Nazi's with the holocaust.
Does anyone actually care? I don't. If they're daft enough then let them go, revoke their British citizenship and leave them to rot. Same with the Muslim men going over there. Revoke their citizenship and leave them to rot.
The father of one of the last girls to go blamed the police, the politicians and pretty much anyone else he could think of to blame and lo and behold he's an extremist too!!
Sod the lot of them. So many Muslims in Britain seem hell bent on destroying our country and our freedoms with their calls for Sharia law we're better off without them.
Any Muslim man or woman who goes to Syria should have their citizenship revoked.
We've enough problems in Britain without wasting any time bothering about the mad bastards.
Once they've gone good riddance.